Ready to go! Slightly nervous! So because I haven’t had any range of motion in my neck for the past 7 and a half months due to my car accident , my chiropractor and PCP thought that cervical epidural steroid injections were the next possible step in my journey. Their thought was that if there was inflammation still in my joints that it would reduce that, as well as help thin the muscle so I could move it again. So I went to see a pain management doctor, even though I don’t have any pain right now. He suggested we give it a try, so I underwent two rounds of injections. Several people I know, including family members have had these done so they kind of told me what to expect. After getting all checked in the Same Day Surgery area, they take you back to get your vitals, and in your gown. Then you just wait your turn to go into the OR. The nurse comes in to get you and you walk back to the OR. You lie face down on the table, and they hook up the blood pressure cuff and pulse oximete
A little bit of everything to brighten your day!