I think for the past few years I have done really well on my resolutions, and some I have completely failed at. This year, I really want to keep up with my resolutions, but not because I have to, but because I want to improve who I am and make it a lifestyle. My first resolution is to lose weight. I did really well a few years ago, but then I got lazy. My family's love language is food, and we are all really good cooks. This one I know will be extremely difficult for me. I'd really like to make the change to get up a half hour earlier, and workout before work. I know that when I get home, I'm not wanting to workout so getting it out of the way in the morning is going to be the best way. I also know that I am going to have to watch what I'm eating, and limit my portions. (Insert sad face here. Haha!) Another resolution I have is to read the Bible in one year. I also want to be able to spend more time with Jesus daily. I have some devotions set up, and our monthly fa
A little bit of everything to brighten your day!