With this school year, there are a few things I'd like to do to keep myself productive, and streamlined. I think I read somewhere that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so I'm willing to commit to that. Here are a few things that I'd like to do to make this year more smooth!
I am so not a morning person, but I also don't want to take time after work to workout. So I'd love to start my mornings with a quick workout. (As much as I can do with my neck being the way it is!) If that means waking up a half hour earlier, and being done with it before I get my day started-I'm willing to give it a try! I'm willing to fire up the iPad and sleep in my workout gear if I have to!
I also would like to try taking some healthier snacks and lunches. I'm usually so good with it the beginning of the year, but by November I'm done. Especially after work, when it seems like I am ravenous! If I can pack an extra snack in my Yumbox to eat on the way home from work, then that is one less thing off of my to do list when I get home.
I will be the first to admit that I am a total homebody and get the Sunday scaries pretty easily. (They're real, y'all!) I'm of the type that if I'm out past 6 p.m. on a work night, than my entire world is going to crumble. I know. I'd love to change that! Anyone have any tips? It's totally a mental thing, I know.
I'm usually pretty good about picking out my outfits the night before, and packing my lunch as well. Most of these goals are honest to goodness mental. I just need to get in the right mindset and DO IT!
Please leave me your tips on how you make mornings and your day run smoother!
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