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What's Up Wednesday

Oh man. Honestly, I am glad for today's linkup. I didn't think you would want to hear me tell you/complain about the rainy weather we've been having. Don't worry though, I have a MAJOR story to tell you about this crazy weather, so be on the lookout for that post coming soon! (Hint: I was thisclose to building an ark!) Today I am linking up with Shay for What's Up Wednesday!

What I'm Eating:

Last night we had hamburgers. They are $5 at a local restaurant, and after the day my family and I had, it was much needed. We also went for ice cream. That combination turned our bad day brighter! Tonight's dinner is anyone's guess. My dad has been working late, so mom and I decide last minute on dinner depending on if he is eating with us, or grabbing something for himself.

What I'm Reminiscing About:

I'm reminiscing about being at the beach!! I feel much calmer when I'm at the beach, and get in my little routine when I'm on vacation. Life is just truly better at the beach!

What I'm Loving:

I have been loving mint iced tea! We have two different mint plants, and I try to use mint in my iced tea as much as possible.

What I've Been Up To:

Truthfully, I've been bailing rainwater out of our basement and window wells. I have also been working out, and running some quick errands. I lead an exciting life don't I?! Haha!

What I'm Dreading:

Actually, my most dreaded project is completed! I switched out my winter clothes to summer clothes, and I absolutely loathe that project. It is DONE!! I am dreading steaming every outfit I own before I wear it though! 6 months in a container cause some major wrinkles!

What I'm Working On:

I'm working on getting this blog back up and running! I really enjoy blogging, and miss it when I don't. So project "Get this blog back" has commenced!"

What I'm Excited About:

I'm excited to go to another Indians game! Even though they aren't playing the greatest, I do love supporting the team I've come to grow so fond of over the past 20 years. I'm also excited about the NBA Draft. I can't wait to see where my Duke fellas end up!

What I'm Reading/Watching:

I bought a new book for an upcoming trip. It is the Lighthouse Brides collection. It is a collection of 6 stories in one book. It is also a Christian based. Any book that deals with weddings/brides I'm in! I am also planning on starting a Charles Stanley devotional as well! As far as watching TV goes, QVC is always at the top of my list. The other morning I took my tablet out on the treadmill and watched my favorite morning sports show Mike and Mike. I've been enjoying Bringing Up Bates, and The Willis Clan as well!

What I'm Listening To:

I have been loving my workout playlist lately! When All About That Base comes on, I get in the groove and *almost* fall off the treadmill. Oops!

What I'm Wearing:

Due to the rain, a lot of closed toe shoes! Today the sun is out, so I am going to slip on my bathing suit and sit in the sun!

What I'm Doing This Weekend:

Again, I have no idea! I don't have any significant plans set in stone quite yet.

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month:

Hopefully the rain subsides and we can eat outside more often! I'm also looking forward to our garden harvest and cooking with some of our fresh vegetables and herbs!!

What Else Is New:

Nothing! (That I can think of, anyway!)

What I'm Doing for 4th Of July:

I think we are going to spend the 4th at a resort with my aunt and uncle. Should be a fun time!

If you link up, I'd love to read what you've been up to! Leave me a comment and tell me!


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