*Sorry this post is extra late today, we had some severe weather roll through last night and knocked out our power.*
Do you ever feel like you know a little too much about your friends on Facebook? Did you really need to know that they just "checked in" at a location from FourSquare? What about the friends that post inappropriate song lyrics or vulgarity on Twitter? Being social media appropriate is not just a common courtesy, it is common sense. I am going to give you some DO's and DON'T's for social media.
Facebook DO's and DON'T's:
Facebook DO's and DON'T's:
- DO connect with family and friends
- DO post pictures of family events
- DO "like" pages of your favorite restaurants, or blogs ;)
- DON'T post inappropriate lyrics or pictures
Twitter DO's and DON'T's:
- DO interact with your favorite celebrities or family
- DON'T post vulgarity or inappropriate things on Twitter
- DON'T repeatedly ask a celebrity to follow you. If they want to, they will
As far as FourSquare goes, truthfully I don't care if you just went to Starbucks. That's great, good for you, but I don't care.
*Here is a simple thing to remember about being social media appropriate, if you wouldn't tell it to your grandparents, don't put it on social media sites. In today's digital age, colleges and employers are looking at your profiles to see if you would be a good candidate for their college or workplace. What you have posted on there, could potentially change your future.
Leave me a comment and let me know if you agree or disagree with being social media appropriate.
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