- At any time do I need to water my lawn? The only time you need to water your lawn is in severe drought situations. You can do more damage by over watering than under watering.
- How often should I cut my grass? Unless it is in severe drought conditions, your grass should only need cut once a week. Sometimes twice a week in peak growing season.
- How short should I cut my grass? You grass should never be cut lower than 3 inches. THIS IS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE PEOPLE MAKE! Cutting it too short promotes week growth and root damage.

- Do I need to bag the remaining grass? Bagging is unnecessary. Get a good mulching lawn mower, keep your blades set for no lower than 3 in cutting height and the clippings make good fertilizer.
- Can I use a riding mower to complete my whole lawn? Absolutely. Depending on your lawn type, you could complete your lawn with a riding mower.
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